ISTAA BOARD of Directors discussed the future steps of ISTAA

Secretary General presented  the comparison between the last and former financial balances.  She reported about the ISTAA  membership statistics,  the balance 1 July 2014-30 June 2015 prepared by the Swiss tax accountant,  the  financial status as of 1st November 2015. ISTAA Board accepted the financial plan till 30.06.2016. Secretary General presented  the list of current members and fees collected, informed about 80  applications reviewed between the AGMs and 16 new accepted.
The  ISTAA membership procedures and organization issues were discussed.
President Zebby Wróbel  underlined the ISTAA Code of Conduct role in establishing ISTAA rules. The first version of this document was accepted by the ISTAA Board. The Board discussed the necessity of accepting  as members officially appointed   agents  only and creating theme committees. The membership declaration form sent every January to agents will be developed to get more information about the current member involvement in the sport travel. All members will have to accept code of conduct, fill out the declaration form and pay the fee on time.
New  membership cases were reviewed and 3 approved.:
Elamysmatkat Sports Travel from Finland (active), Czech Sport Travel from Czech Republic (active) and  AKA Sports and Events from the UK ( associated).
Barbara Dziedzic reported that planned marketing  actions:  ISTAA brochure and website refreshment  with the members’ searcher and specialization application were done. Facebook was taken responsibility by Eva Gazova ( Stars&Friends) . Secretary General presented  2 offers for PR in first half of 2016. The Board decided not to invest in PR but in lobbying to build stronger partnership with sport associations and federations.